Susie Alegre

Are Algorithms Threatening Your Freedom of Thought?

Guest: Susie Alegre

Freedom of thought — the right to form your own thoughts, keep them private and to not be persecuted for your thoughts alone — is one of the most fundamental human rights. This right, recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human rights in 1948, seems so utterly basic that we may take its protection for granted.  Yet this very right may be undermined every time you are presented with a curated selection of content determined by an algorithm purpose built to get and engage your attention. Join us as we talk to international human rights lawyer and author of “Freedom to Think: The Long Struggle to Liberate Our Minds” about how our thoughts and opinions are manipulated and what to do to reclaim this basic right.

Further reading:

Hosted by: Alexa Raad and Leslie Daigle.

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