The Disinformation Age

Worklife in the Disinformation Industry

If you did not know by now, rest assured there is a thriving disinformation industry.  But have you ever wondered how it actually works? Who are companies who provide it? Who are the workers who act as Trolls, and why

Social Media, Influence, and Democracy: Reconcilable Differences?

Did you know that about one in five US adults say they get their news primarily through social media? However, in addition to news, social media platforms have become incredibly efficient tools for spreading propaganda and disinformation credited with interference

Cleaning Up after Dirty Disinformation Tricks

“Falsehood flies…and the Truth comes limping after it,” wrote Jonathan Swift the Anglo-Irish writer and satirist in 1710. That was in the 18th century of course. Now in the 21st century, with the advent of the Internet, distribution platforms, and

Paying for it in the Attention Economy

In early 1997 a UC Berkley based Theoretical Physicist wrote article in Wired Magazine, where he called “attention” the currency of the new economy. He foreshadowed its potential consequences: division, disparity of power, deepening inequality, disproportionate advantages for the most