Magnus Revang

Generative AI: the promise beyond the hype cycle

Guest: Magnus Revang

Every year, Gartner unveils its Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies report, spotlighting 25 pivotal technologies to keep a keen eye on. It is hardly surprising then that this year generative AI took center stage in the report as Gartner believes it will yield transformational benefits in the next two to five years.

Join us for a a wide ranging discussion about the challenges in designing clever user experience and the innovations we have made, or can expect, thanks to generative AI with Magnus Revang, Chief Product Officer at Magnus is a former Gartner Research Vice President and an award-winning product and thought leader in the fields of user experience (UX), AI, and Conversational Virtual Assistants. 

Hosted by: Alexa Raad and Leslie Daigle.

Further reading:

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